Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tidbits Continued...

After my last post with tidbits about myself, I have been realizing just how weird I really am. And the funny thing is that I left out some key tidbits about me! So, I just wanted to add a few more to my list of quirks. 

* I cannot, repeat cannot, touch cotton balls! 
* I sleep with the blanket over my ears, because I'm terrified a bug will crawl in my ear
* Can't even LOOK at a chalkboard without my teeth hurting!
* I snort when I laugh too hard
* Have a fan blowing in my face (on high) at night
* I'm always hot!
* My husband calls me the paparazzi
* I get a drink and never drink it 
* I always have deodorant with me

I don't know whether to laugh at these, or if I have just told my friends and family that maybe I'm crazier than you all thought. HAHA! 

Many Blessings,

Monday, June 21, 2010


My friend Laura recently wrote a blog titled "Tidbits" and at the end asked "what are your tidbits?" So, friends and family, here are some tidbits about me...

* I'm so proud to be a full time wife and mommy
* Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior
* I sleep with 5 pillows and a stuffed elephant
* It drives me CRAZY when Christian's diaper bag gets unorgainzed
* I hate when people touch my face
* I could eat pizza everyday....seriously
* My hair is naturally curly & I hate it
* I'm hypoglycemic (low blood sugar)
* I watch "Days of our Lives" every day
* I shampoo my hair twice in the shower
* This little man holds my heart in his hands:
* I love spending time with my girls
* I'm a junk food junkie
* I love watching movies...but I HATE scary ones!
* I always try to look at things from both sides
* Family and God are the most important things to me
* I'm the pickiest person about my food
* Toilet paper has to roll under
* I'm terrified of crickets 
* Disney movies are the best
* Still a "daddy's girl" at 25 yrs old
* I'm uncomfortable with change
* Swimming is my favorite outdoor activity
* Different foods on my plate can't touch!
* My mom is my rock
* I drink 2 cups of coffee a day

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.  

What are your tidbits? 

Many Blessings, 

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Mean Ole Teeth!

Last night was like every other night; Christian gets his bath, a bottle, some snuggle time, then off to bed. Well, for some reason, I could not go to sleep. I stayed up watching some TV, and around midnight, I heard Christian start to fuss. This being very unusual, I checked the monitor, only to see him sitting up in his bed crying. I went in his room to see what the problem was, and was hit with an awful smell as I entered. I picked him up and he was soaked! He had thrown up everything that he had eaten during the day. I immediately woke Brandon up for some assistance, and it was certainly needed! My poor son had it everywhere! Brandon stripped his bed and got a load of laundry started with a quickness. 

While all this is going on, I'm trying to comfort my little man who has NEVER thrown up like that before. I don't know if there is anything worse than having a sick child, and there is nothing you can really do for them. He was so pitiful! Christian was running a fever, and wouldn't take any pedialite. All I could do was hold him and sing. When he finally went back to sleep, I put him back in his bed (with some fresh sheets and blankets). About an hour later he woke again, but this time no mess. I tried the bottle again, but he refused. So, we layed on the couch, and slept. My awesome dog decided to wake us up again about another hour later, and that just set him off. He couldn't get situated, so I put him back in his bed. After about 15 minutes of fighting it, he finally fell asleep around 2am. 

I guess he felt better after emptying his stomach, because he slept the rest of the night, and didn't wake up until almost 9:30am. Of course I still woke up about 5 times throughout the night to check on him, but he was fine. See, he is cutting his molars, and I had no idea how rough this process could be. I'm sure that the whole incident was due to the teething, and the temp that he was running because of that. Today he was totally fine, but we did stick to the bland foods. I just pray that those teeth come through really quick, because I hate seeing my angel in pain. Hopefully tonight will be quiet and restful for me and my family. I'll keep you all posted on the progress of those mean ole teeth! 

Many Blessings, 

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What a Day!

Last night, while trying to fall asleep, I began to have a bit of a panic attack. I knew that today I would be dropping Christian off at our church for about half the day, and I would be leaving the campus. I know it seems a little silly for me to freak out, but you need to know where I'm coming from on this. Christian goes to his class when we attend regular services, and he is in there for two hours at the most. We have struggled, for most of his short little life, with being called out of the service to get him...almost every week. He has recently gotten much better and stays in class the whole time, which Brandon and I appreciate since we can actually listen to what Pastor is saying.  

Well, I signed up to do a womens bible study through church, which meets on Tuesday mornings this summer. Each study is held at someone's house (close to the church) and is about 3 hours long each time. Best of all, our pastors have graciously provided FREE childcare for all of us during this time. We drop the kids off at church, and out we go. I guess last night it finally sank in, that I would be dropping him off, and would not be right down the hall to come rescue him if he needed me. I would be a few blocks away, which doesn't seem like much, but to me it was MILES!   

When I handed him over to the ladies, he screamed something fierce, and my heart started to break! He looked at me with the most pitiful little face, and I could have cried right along with him. I found enough strength to walk away from my crying baby, and went to pull myself together in the restroom. When I came out, I thought for sure I would hear him crying from down the hall. Much to my surprise, I heard nothing. As I peaked in the window, I saw him sitting at a little table, in a little chair, next to some little friends, eating some cheerios. I was so proud of him in that moment! 

I went on to my bible study in the best mood. It was a great time with some awesome women of God, and we had some yummy food to top it off! Much to my surprise, my phone never rang. I had a thought in the back of my mind, that they might have to call me to come get him for some reason. But, my big boy did great! When I got there to pick him up, he was asleep in a ladies arms, wrapped in his blanket, being rocked. They told me that he was very good, and had just recently gotten sleepy. Other than that, he did awesome!

I am still so proud of Christian, and myself, that we both made it through our first daycare scenario. I know that the time apart will be good for us both in the long run. He will enjoy spending some time with kids his own age, and I know I will enjoy some fellowship with some ladies from church. Hopefully the drop off thing will get easier every time. I'm just so blessed to be able to stay home with him everyday, and at the same time so blessed to be able to have some time with adults too.

Many Blessings,

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

This Memorial Day weekend was a family filled weekend for us. To start the weekend off right, my mom took Friday off. Christian and I spent the day with her and Paris (my brother's girlfriend) at the pool. Christian absolutely loves being at the pool, which is a good thing since summers in Texas are insanely hot! Seriously, in the past 4 weeks, we have made it to the pool at least 3 days a week. I love it!

Saturday and Sunday we didn't do too much. Brandon went to a free concert with his dad, and they had a blast. Monday however, we drove down to Lake Whitney to see my family, and had our traditional ribs cookout to celebrate Memorial Day. Christian had a great time, once again, playing in the pool. His little cousin, Anthony, was there too. It was so cute to see them playing together. Christian also had his FIRST experience with my family's famous ribs. (we have a secret recipe for the sauce, and I'll just tell you that they are the best ribs ever!) We gave him some of the rib bones that still had some meat on them, and oh my goodness did he have a good time with them! Then we had some delicious watermelon to top it off.

It was an all around great weekend for the Hayes family! We got to spend some time with family, and get some down time too. I hope that you all had a fantastic weekend as well.

Thank you again to all the troops who have served, and are still serving our country. It's because of you all that we get to enjoy all our freedoms, and time with our family. 

Many Blessings,